How we can help:

The Sustainable Agriculture team works with farmers and landholders to implement actions and activities on their properties to achieve practice change that not only increases on farm productivity and profitability, but also supports a reduction on impacts, such as sediment loss, erosion, and chemical runoff into the catchment areas within the Mackay Whitsunday region.

These activities cover multiple industries, providing support in the adoption of practices such as holistic farm management, best management practices in grazing and cane as well as water quality monitoring, modelling, and reporting through Paddock to Reef. Local Landcare and industry support through the promotion of sustainable agricultural practices facilitated by our Sustainable Agriculture Facilitator, rounds out the diversity of the Reef Catchments Sustainable Agriculture team.

Local case studies

The team also undertakes other on-farm activities focused on caring for the land and water in our region. Here are several case studies undertaken at Brightly and Seaforth.