Biodiversity and Agricultural Natural Capital Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan for the Mackay Whitsundays

Reef Catchments led the development of a Biodiversity and Agricultural Natural Capital Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan for the Mackay Whitsundays.


The objectives of this plan are to improvement preparedness for, and response to, emergency events where they occur through better integration of biodiversity and agricultural natural capital assets in emergency planning and response. This includes efforts to enhance the resilience of biodiversity and agricultural assets by recognising the risks and threats posed by natural disasters and undertaking planning to improve outcomes through actions and management before, during (to the extent possible) and after to support recovery.

View the storymap to gain an insight into the priority assets in our region and their susceptibility to different natural hazards.

A comprehensive report is available for download here.

This project is funded by the Australian Government Natural Heritage Trust and delivered by Reef Catchments, a member of the Commonwealth Regional Delivery Partners panel.

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Kelli Best

Kellie Best

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