Organisms exposed to pollutants often develop subtle cellular differences and may accumulate certain toxicants. The assessment of body burdens of pollutants in key ecosystem indicator organisms can provide a sensitive, early warning of the presence of pollutants. Extensive surveys of inshore Queensland crab pollutant concentrations have demonstrated this type of organism as a useful monitoring vehicle to use to assess changes in pesticide concentrations in nearshore marine biota. This program will be augmented by new methodologies as they become routinely available. Outcomes: Information about current status and long-term (10 year) trends in water quality and marine ecosystem status in the GBRWHA.
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Organisation Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA)
Organisation other Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA)
Name David Haynes
Phone 07 4750 0853
Position in organisation
Monitoring Type Pollutant/pesticide concentrations
Monitoring Indicators Pollutant Biaaccumulation
Monitoring location Great Barrier Reef Wide
Frequency of monitoring Variable
Monitoring Start Date 01/01/2005
Monitoring End Date 30/06/2005
Location of monitoring data GBRMPA
Date quality / confidence Scientific
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