Natural Resource Management Plan 2014-2024

Our Vision: A region that is resilient and adaptive to change; where people, the environment, production, and development, exist together in balance.



NRM Plan Amendment Cover ImageA review of the NRM Plan has been completed.

The purpose of this Addendum is to maintain the currency of Natural Resource
Management (NRM) Planning process and ensure alignment with Australian Government priorities. This Addendum to the Plan constitutes the first phase of the review. The Addendum provides a “stepping off” point to undertake fuller consultation and review of the Plan in 2023.

Reef Catchments would like to thank all stakeholders and partners who contributed to the Addendum, and we look forward to engaging soon for the next phase of the NRM plan review and update.

Cover for NRM plan 2014 to 2024. NRM Plan map Infographic.

The natural and human environments of the Mackay, Whitsunday and Isaac region contribute to our identity, culture, lifestyle, and economy. This social and economic wealth is inextricably connected to our natural resource base, and it is therefore essential this remains healthy and viable.

Our region faces challenges from a number of issues including water scarcity and quality, invasive species, inappropriate urban development, and climate change. If allowed to degrade, restoration of these assets will be at a significant cost, with some impossible to replace.

The NRM Plan takes a strategic approach that considers what natural assets we have collectively as a region, and where in the landscape these assets might be maintained, restored or enhanced.

The NRM Plan contains agreed outcomes and management actions for protecting and restoring our natural assets. It is a non-statutory plan and provides a framework for a partnership approach to guide the strategic and efficient use of resources and funding.

The NRM Plan is fundamentally a community plan that is guided, endorsed, and owned by the day-to-day stewards of the land – the Mackay, Whitsunday, and Isaac community. Developing the plan has required extensive input and agreement from diverse sectors, including landholders, Traditional Owners, industry, and state and local government. Reef Catchments has worked with the community to write the plan and to develop a new and unified vision for the future of the region’s natural resources.

For more information please contact Reef Catchments via email at or telephone (07) 4968 4200.