River mouth water quality monitoring will assess change over time in concentrations and loads of the major land sourced pollutants that have the potential to adversely affect coral reef and seagrass ecosystems. This monitoring will provide the primary indicator of the delivery of pollutants to the waters of the Great Barrier Reef, and consequently of the effectiveness of measures aimed at reducing that delivery. Parameters measured will include nutrient species, suspended solids and pesticides. Monitoring will consist of a conventional grab sampling program, as well as the use of innovative water quality sampling techniques at the mouths of the major rivers flowing into the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area (e.g. Fitzroy, Burdekin, Herbert, and Johnstone Rivers). Sampling will occur during both the wet and dry seasons. Outcomes: Information about current status and long-term (10 year) trends in water quality and marine ecosystem status in the GBRWHA.
Reader Interactions
Organisation Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA)
Name David Haynes
Phone 07 4750 0853
Email d.haynes@gbrmpa.gov.au
Position in organisation Co-ordinator of water quality, research and monitoring
Monitoring Type Water Quality
Monitoring Indicators Various water quality indicators
Monitoring location Great Barrier Reef Wide
Frequency of monitoring
Monitoring Start Date 01/01/2005
Monitoring End Date 30/06/2005
Location of monitoring data GBRMPA
Date quality / confidence Scientific
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