Welcome to Reef Catchments
The Mackay Whitsunday Isaac region has a complex biodiversity value and provides numerous ecosystem services to the people who live and work here. Natural Resource Management is an essential service for sustainable development and Reef Catchments is best positioned to deliver these services in our region.
We take pride in our role as advocates for the Great Barrier Reef, facilitators of best land management practice in agriculture and resource managers, which allows the region to capitalise on our natural assets through activities such as tourism.
I am proud to lead a team of enthusiastic individuals who bring their expertise and commitment to the opportunities and challenges we face in NRM. We value our strong working relationship with our stakeholder organisations and funding bodies, built over more than 21 years, which we intend to maintain and develop into the future.
We partner with the Queensland and Australian Governments along with industry, community, Traditional Owners and other groups in the delivery of Natural Resource Management programs.
I invite you to explore our site and get to know us better. Our Strategic Plan is a great place to start.
You can stay in touch with our programs, volunteer opportunities and news by joining our newsletter via the form below.
Katrina Dent, Chief Executive Officer, Reef Catchments