Our vision
Resilient ecosystems, engaged community.
The purpose of Reef Catchments is to enable sustainable natural resource management throughout the Mackay Whitsunday Isaac region for the benefit of everyone. The Reef Catchments Strategic Plan 2018-2022 outlines our values, our purpose, and the steps required to achieve resilient ecosystems and an engaged community.
Our priority program goals and focus areas are
- Championing the vision for sustainable natural resource management
- Transforming behaviour and influencing attitudes
- Continually improving land-use practices across all sectors
- Enhancing organisational capability
- Restoring Reef resilience and enhancing ecosystem health and biodiversity
- Strengthening community cohesion and custodianship
- Targeting investment through planning and prioritisation
- Maximising opportunities through Catchment Solutions for reinvestment into NRM
Who are we?
We are the regional natural resource management body for the Mackay Whitsunday Isaac region which includes catchments, coasts and waters that are essential to the survival of the Great Barrier Reef and the Central Queensland way of life. Reef Catchments is one of 14 not-for-profit regional natural resource management bodies in Queensland.
We strive for
- Results – Motivated to achieve high-quality outcomes
- Integrity – Act with honesty, transparency and accountability
- Respect – Show respect for ourselves, each other and our environment
- Collaboration – Be inclusive and collaborative
- Innovation – Display initiative and creativity
- Stewardship – Value and use knowledge to leave a lasting legacy
To achieve our purpose we will
- DREAM big and champion the vision for sustainable natural resource management and resilient ecosystems
- DEVELOP collaborative community relationships
- DESIGN evidence-based solutions that secure and target long-term investment
- DELIVER enduring practical outcomes and facilitate innovation
Our key role in the Mackay Whitsunday Isaac region is to facilitate accelerated positive change in regional natural resource management actions through:
- Educating and building capacity within the regional community to identify natural resource cases of concern and develop and implement both proactive and remedial actions for improvement.
- Recording and reporting on natural resource condition and its improvement to all stakeholders.
- Improving community knowledge of NRM issues along with improving community capacity to deal with these issues, backed with our strong commitment to innovative and efficient service delivery.
- Facilitating engagement and collaboration between highly diverse stakeholders (i.e. business, industry, community groups, indigenous people, science, research, and government) for regional NRM outcomes.